Geeky Pick-up Lines (Part 2) + a Street Fair Invite

Ponggo is probably not the most romantic guy around.  To start with, he stopped giving me flowers x years ago when he realized that I don’t know how to take care of them anyway.  Hehe.  Our friends laugh at the fact that we don’t even have code names for each other on our phones (i.e. stuff like “baby”, “teddy bear bear bear” or whatever couples call each other these days).  Yes, it may be a downside but I’m just so happy that he used none of these when we were still dating.   Here’s a second serving of geeky pick-up lines. 😉

Googly Gooeys Geeky Pick-up Lines

More comics about geeky stuff & relationships here:
Geeky Pick-Up Lines (Part 1)
Signs That You’re in Love
Liar, Liar
Five Signs That You’re Clingy
Who’s Calling You?
Everytime I See You, My Heart Beats Fast…
@googlygooeys Instagram Roundup

I just recently completed a project.  It’s an invite for a first birthday and it’s inspired by Snoopy’s Street Fair.  I finally realized why a lot of parties these days have so many stalls in them!  *I feel so out of the loop.* What I was so amused about this project is that I actually had to download & play this game just so that I can see what elements I have to draw.  😀  See the rest of the design on Instagram 🙂  Advanced happy birthday to cute little Charlie in advance & thanks to mommy Shirleen for trusting me on the design 😀

Coaster (Blurred Photo)(with logo)
For inquiries, just send an e-mail to this address:

ponggo[at]googlygooeys[dot]com 🙂

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