RIP Neil Armstrong.
Our first post on Tumblr back in 2010 was this astronaut. It said, “The Googly Gooeys have landed”. As a kid, I’ve always been fascinated by Astronomy. The first time our teacher introduced us to the subject back in grade school, I was very eager to memorize the planets because I knew if I studied well enough, I can become an astronaut one day!!! *Geek alert!* I would even borrow my neighbor’s and cousin’s copy of Childcraft just to read about the planets. (Childcraft is a kid’s encyclopedia back when there was no Yahoo or Google! But whyyyy….whyyy do I always have to give away my age? Haha.)
Then, as I grew up, I realized that this dream wasn’t so feasible as only a few people are sent to the moon. So I told myself, I wanted to become a scientist or a famous inventor. But, someone once told me that inventions are a hit or miss thing. So I gave up that dream but I told myself I still wanted something in the field of science. I decided that I wanted to become a doctor! I was 7 then. I was tired of getting up early for classes and I asked my mom how many years of school I still had to endure. I already knew that it would take longer than usual to finish college if I really wanted to become a doctor so I was fine with the idea until I was in my last year of high school. I was so tired of having very little sleep and I really hated memorizing stuff with my face getting more and more decorated each day. Thus, becoming a doctor or a lawyer or any course that had to deal with loooooooong readings and memorizing terms was definitely out of the list! I wanted to become an engineer but I didn’t even know if I had the energy to last five years in college so I resorted to a four year course instead. You may find the rest of the story here.
Anyway, the thing is, until today, I almost forgot how much I wanted to become an astronaut. Sure, dreams may change along the way based on circumstances and constraints but sometimes, I wonder how many kids actually pursued their purest of dreams? 🙂
Anyway, thank you Neil Armstrong for reminding us to dream again.
May you rest in peace.
i still want to become an astronaut!
…or an astronomer, at least :p
How about an AstroLoger? Madame Auring, anyone? 🙂
Seriously though. I forgot to include the part where my cousins & I jump on the bed thinking it was the next best thing to walking on the moon! :))
haha if all else fails, astrologer it is! hahaha :p