How We Really Feel

If I actually wrote this post a couple of hours ago, I would have probably accelerated the depreciation of my keyboard no thanks to the fact that my staccato typing fingers will be noisier than usual.  Anyhooz, after a couple of crepes (& I’m so happy the waiters didn’t judge me), a cup of hot tea and a good talk with my friend Alex, I finally feel more human than Hulk trapped in a girl.  What I’m having is somewhere between a mega delayed reaction, karma for ridiculing Ponggo and his emotions over the weekend and, as much as I’d hate to use it as an excuse, PMS!

Have you ever been so polite on the outside, you’re practically dying on the inside?

How We Really FeelWell, hopefully, you’re not in any of this situations right now. I wouldn’t wish it for you!  But, if you are, I have something for ya!  Have an ice cream…or two…or ten!  Here’s a downloadable Popsicle Facebook Timeline cover & an alternate profile pic.  Enjoy! :)

Popsicle Sticks Facebook Timeline Cover
Download the Popsicle Facebook Timeline Cover here.
Ponggo with Popsicles Facebook Profile Pic
Download the new profile pic here, change your name into your first name & middle name so that your nosy relatives & friends won’t find you on Facebook.  They’ll just probably unfriend you & voila, you’re free from unsolicited comments.  *Did I just type that? Ho ho ho.*

It’s still the PMS talking, no?


Tipsy ❤

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