I originally made this random doodle after the trip to Pinto Museum. I was so in love with their blue wooden doors and the lush flora that filled their space! But, I didn’t get to post it then because I was busy nagging myself that I always keep on letting my blogging style evolve that in the fear that I’m already diluting this blog’s identity. Sure, there’s still color but I’ve always stuck to the comic strip format for years. But I just can’t stop myself from experimenting! Ahh…So, I guess I just have to let it go & go with the flow. (I hear the cliché counter! *Ding, ding!*) Funny enough, Casa San Miguel also has blue doors and lots of plants that I just can’t help but upload this artwork here without having to debate with myself too much.
When we arrived at Casa San Miguel last Tuesday, I wasn’t expecting much. Judging from its fields, the place definitely needed help in the maintenance department. Weeds pretty much have all the freedom in the world & apparently, their cafe was just about to open on the 16th of August. So, we were limited to only five meal choices, one of which was even out of stock. Portions of the place were also being renovated.
But, based on the moments and images that still linger in my mind, this was a happy & peaceful place that made me feel bittersweet as I was seeing more cars on the road when Mansy & I were on our way back to Manila.
Above: Mansy spotted this Garlic Vine en route to Casa San Miguel. It was some random house. I’m just so happy we didn’t get barked at by dogs or shooed away by the homeowner for playing with their plants. Hehehehe. (Thanks to our Instagram reader @iamchingdee for identifying the flower! 🙂 )
I think it’s just apt that I brought these two bottles with me. Casa San Miguel is owned by Coke Bolipata, a violinist. During the summer, this place is host to teens on a musical summer camp. I actually wanted to leave my bottle at the owner’s desk as a token of appreciation.
I regret not being able to get a photo of their kitchen with glass walls & generous amount of sunlight thanks to these three windows.
Gotta love them outdoor doors (however you’re supposed to call them without sounding redundant)! These doors are making me want to travel around the world in search of similar doors (and oh, pretty murals too)!
Above: Blue doors & red leaves. It’s like the leaves are telling me, “Yes, we’re this artsy. Only red leaves are allowed in this area. No, you can’t sit with us.” Haha. Then, there’s this tiny random weed growing on the corner of one of the doors. It can’t get any quirkier than this! 😀
Casa San Miguel is apparently a compound wherein a portion of the place is owned by Elmer Borlongan & Plet Bolipata. I’m still pretty confused if what we entered was supposedly a privately play space or a cafe. Mansy & I were attracted to this place like Hansel & Gretel sans the witch.
How unique is this chandelier?
Above: Frankie Magazine hide-your-face-somewhere-in-the-bushes pose unlocked! Hehehehe. I would always see photos of girls on Frankie artfully hidden in some plant. The first time I attempted to do it in one of our out-of-town trips this year, I looked like a random headless person in a yellow dress. Hehehehe. I hope this is already an improvement.
My Lacy OOTD: While I was searching for this place on Google Maps, I saw a body of water. I actually thought we were going to the beach so I wore a beach dress. Hahahaha. #NotReadingInstructions
We were looking for this facade which is apparently not visible when you arrive. This place is facing the Magsaysay-Ho Museum and will be the home of Backstage Cafe which will be open on the 16th. Judging by the trees, lights & clear skies, it would be awesome to chill in this area at night! This photo is also making me reimagine the architecture of the place inside. It looks like a place from your dream where you don’t know which room or door will lead to what!
I will definitely miss these tiles! This place has so much character!
Above: More from the Bolipata-Borlongan area! *I still feel guilty* I feel like an intruder. Maybe I should take down these photos already. *Eep!*
So, I had Pesto for lunch & Chicken Longganisa for Breakfast. They’re so generous with their Pesto, I was able to conclude three things: (1) bring a floss at all times, (2) Pesto is definitely not date food, and (3) I’ve gotten accustomed to the resto’s in Manila that tend to scrimp on ingredients, you can almost see their overhead expenses on your plate!
I’m seriously green with envy! Now, I want something like this INSIDE our house. But wait, we need a bigger house. Hehehehe.
Here’s a peek at how the interior of the house / common area above the bed & breakfast floor looked like. I wish I took a decent video or brought a wider lens. The spiral staircase leads to a room where the kids participating in the camp could stay. The room has a staircase to some fun treehouse like third floor (sans the tree). From the room, you also have a view of the other “rooms” without walls–just glass. You can access it from the other side of the living room where you’re supposed to walk on glass blocks! See? It’s like a place from your dream! With this, Mansy & I concluded that creative spaces can easily encourage you to think differently!
So, we leave the place and see the grays and leaves scattered in the area filled with Mango trees and we start analyzing how much staff outdoor malls actually hire to keep their plants manicured all the time. I guess the physical place is just like a version of its soul: unassuming on the outside but magical on the inside!
We need more road trips like this!
Tipsy ❤
Casa San Miguel
Evangelista Street, 2206 San Antonio, Zambales
Website: http://www.casasanmiguelph.com
Casa San Miguel on Facebook
E-mail: cokebolipata[at]yahoo[dot]com
P.S. Don’t know where else to go during the upcoming long weekend? Check out these posts for ideas! 🙂
More Roadtrips:
The Googly Gooeys Goes to Ilocos
Social Networking Detox in Mt. Pulag
A Rainy Tuesday Morning at Pinto Museum
Impromptu Trip to Baguio
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Busy People & the Hey Kessy Messy Washi Party
A Colorful Havaianas Filipinas Launch
Googly Travels: La Union & Malaysia
Oh Tipsy! You just made me feel like my soul floated away to some place magical with your pictures and words…This is the same feeling I’ve had like wayyyy back in high school when I’d stare at beautifully designed marbles (yung mga’jolens’)and think they trapped fairy tears and galaxies inside!(Or when I watched that very old movie called The Paper House. Or when I read Neil Gaiman’s book, Coraline.) I haven’t felt like this in a long time…Thanks for bringing it back! And now, I seriously want to paint our front door blue!
Hi, would you happen to have their contact number? They dont seem to be checking their emails often 🙁 tnx