There’s still so much on my to-do list that I have yet to tackle. I never really ran out of work to do. Then again, I realized that I have this bad habit of squeezing in activities into weekends & holidays because I get restless when I’m not busy. *I think I have a disease* O_o However, there are days when I just can’t get myself to finish the task at hand. My rational side is trying not to subscribe to the whole “waiting for the muse” thing for artworks but the other half of my brain has a mood of its own. I’m usually stuck with numbers 4 & 6 and I always feel guilty about getting too much #2. *Doingk* I think I need to have myself checked. O_o
Meanwhile, I’m not yet done with a whole bunch of projects so, good bye for now as I head to the drawing board 😉
More stuff about work here:
Tips on How to be More Productive
Replying to E-mails: Why It Takes Forever
Fact of the Day #76: Cramming gives you superpowers!
Too lazy to even finish the sentence 😐
The Cycle of Laziness
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