I know what you’re thinking, “If this is a Bingo card, why are there only 9 frames?” Well, the last time I checked, the Instagram window can only show up to 3 x 3.5 frames so there! 🙂
I must admit I also like putting hashtags 😀 I’m also guilty of taking pictures of clouds, participating in #ThrowbackThursdays, tagging & commenting with #pretty. I’m pretty annoyed with people who keep on posting pictures and pictures of themselves. When I check Instagram, my phone is always just a few inches away from my face and a continuous stream of large faces is tantamount to bombing my feed. Then again, I can’t really blame them. I’m sure someone out there can’t also stand my love for color and how I have this habit of posting my projects and doodles! 😉
Anyhooz, feel free to download this pic & share it on Instagram or Facebook and tag your friends who are guilty of flooding you with different photos on the Bingo Card 😉
P.S. Are you following @googlygooeys and @ponggo_googlygooeys on Instagram yet? 🙂
P.P.S. Here are more Instagram posts 😉
Of Instagram & Hashtags
The Instagrammer Goes on a Date
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Instagram
we share the same annoyance to people who love to take picture of their faces and posted it in instagram.