I know what you’re thinking, “If this is a Bingo card, why are there only 9 frames?” Well, the last time I checked, the Instagram window can only show up to 3 x 3.5 frames so there! 🙂
I must admit I also like putting hashtags 😀 I’m also guilty of taking pictures of clouds, participating in #ThrowbackThursdays, tagging & commenting with #pretty. I’m pretty annoyed with people who keep on posting pictures and pictures of themselves. When I check Instagram, my phone is always just a few inches away from my face and a continuous stream of large faces is tantamount to bombing my feed. Then again, I can’t really blame them. I’m sure someone out there can’t also stand my love for color and how I have this habit of posting my projects and doodles! 😉
Anyhooz, feel free to download this pic & share it on Instagram or Facebook and tag your friends who are guilty of flooding you with different photos on the Bingo Card 😉
P.S. Are you following @googlygooeys and @ponggo_googlygooeys on Instagram yet? 🙂
P.P.S. Here are more Instagram posts 😉
Of Instagram & Hashtags
The Instagrammer Goes on a Date
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Instagram
we share the same annoyance to people who love to take picture of their faces and posted it in instagram.
Actually, we once unfollowed our friend on Instagram for fun. We told her we won’t follow her back until she stops posting photos of her face. Hahaha. She still can’t stop herself though. >< 😛