Happy 5th Birthday Googly Gooeys!

Every time April 26 approaches, I panic a bit.  I don’t know what to write about.  I’m done going through the lengthy history of how the Googly Gooeys came about and doing something similar each year would be boring.  I also don’t know if I should stop explaining that April 26, 2009 was the evening that the Googly Gooeys was born on my personal Multiply site (Yes, there was this social networking site called such that existed back then) and that it was a year after when we took things a bit more seriously on Tumblr.  It’s like conception & birth. Ehehehehe.  But like in some cultures, let’s just go with the day of conception as the day of birth.  *Am I confusing you already?*

So, Ponggo & I thought, why don’t we just come up with lists of 5?  Anyway, we’ve always been coming up with such lists.  Today, we’re going with 5 Things You Didn’t Know About Tipsy, Ponggo & the lessons we’ve learned in the past 5 years with The Googly Gooeys:

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Tipsy (According to Ponggo)

1. Tipsy has a terribly sweet tooth.  If you try extracting blood from her, you’d probably end up getting cocoa beans.

2. In a short span of time that you’ll get to know Tipsy, you’ll most probably witness her do any of the following: spill a glass of water, hitting someone accidentally with her abrupt hand gestures (while talking to you & walking backwards), or suddenly drop anything she’s holding just because for some reason because her hand probably forgot to function for a millisecond.  This is also quite ironic considering she spent so 4 and a half years balancing herself on ice aside from 13 years of making sure her arms and legs know where they are while they sway to classical music (with 8 years spent doing point work).

3. Tipsy loves a very wide range of colors but her choice of food is very basic.  Who can actually have only Kitkat bar or Banana Nutella Crepe for lunch? (See number 1).

4. Tipsy does not know how to cook.  All she can prepare are (not so presentable) eggs & (slightly burnt) bacon.  Oh. Yes, I’m happy to share with you that she can also cook rice…with the help of a rice cooker.

5.  Tipsy can easily fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.  She even confesses to having fallen asleep inside a tricycle back in pre-school during her 10 minute commute from school to her home.

5 Things You Didn’t Know About Ponggo (According to Tipsy)
Hello Guys! As much as I’d like to edit, what’s written above, I can’t. So, here’s my space for revenge! *Evil grin*

1. Ponggo is a night owl & he will never wake up early unless it’s for a golf game at 6am.

2. Ponggo is a bit of a vampire: he loves his meat raw & bloody, he sleeps sometime between 1 & 3am and his normal body temperature is at 35 degrees Celsius. (Such a person exists!)

3. He is messy with most of his stuff but try to scratch any of his gadgets and you will get the don’t-ever-mess-with-me-look.

4. Ponggo is very particular with his food.  He may only be seen eating doughnuts, ice cream and popsicles in Googly comics but that’s just because I like to draw colorful things.

5. Ponggo only eats egg yolks.  I am burdened with the task to eat these funny sunny side ups that look like white doughnuts.

5 Lessons We Learned 

1.  Things don’t usually make any sense until they finally add up in the future: your completely unrelated college course compared to what you’re doing today, your odd tasks during those years spent in the corporate world, your tiny hobbies like animating Powerpoint presentations or doing lay-outs via Excel, they might not make any sense from today but eventually, you will thank fate for letting you go through all those.

2. The only thing constant is change. Once something finally works for you, it’s time to think of something new be it a social networking strategy, a service being offered, design,  or workflow.

3. When someone tells you it’s impossible, things will only get more exciting.  I came home from a cronut-inspired recipe demo, someone told me that it’s impossible to lay-out the recipe in an infographic and that it will be hard & tedious.  Today, it’s now one of our most viral posts with 25,000 views cited by news websites & blogs around the world.

4.  Follow your instincts.  You may have a couple of ideas for a post and chances are you can’t begin because you’re busy rejecting your own ideas.  While it’s good to polish and perfect concepts, unless you’re saving the world before bedtime, you just have to let go & follow your innermost thoughts such as this good night post that eventually earned 26,800+ notes & reblogs on our Tumblr Page.

5.  Don’t get absorbed by the numbers.  If you deal with the web social media every day, it’s so easy to attach your sense of accomplishment to the number of notes, reblogs, retweets, favorites, likes, shares, page views & comments.  Your measured-from-every-angle virtual life will eventually try to encroach on your definition of personal worth.  Don’t be disappointed by the day-to-day numbers.  Remember, quantity does not necessarily mean quality and that it’s always best to compete with no one but yourself.  Also, it’s always important to find yourself and what makes you happy.  Trends will come and go but it doesn’t really mean you are contractually obliged & required by life to follow every wave.  See what works for you and draw the line when something ceases to make you happy. 🙂

Woops. That was 870++ words worth of ramblings. Yikes.  Anyway, happy 5th birthday to the Googly Gooeys and thank you for being with us through all these years! ❤


Tipsy & Ponggo ❤

P.S. Here are some supplementary reads as supporting evidence to the points raised in this blog post:
The Googly Gooeys Turn Three Today!
Happy 4th Birthday to the Googly Gooeys! 🙂
Microwave Disasters
You Know You’re a Bad Cook When…
Big Gestures
Fact of the Day #102: Chocolate is good for you.
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & Chocolates
The Life of a Gadget
Vampires: Then & Now

P.P.S. We’re now on Vine & Pinterest! 🙂

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10 years ago

You are so cool and funny! Happy 5th anniversary to your awesome blog! I hope to meet you again! 🙂

PS. I only used the Instax camera 2 weeks ago. I was being stingy with the films. Hehe.

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