My Great Food 15-Second Cooking Challenge

Remember how they used to tell you not to play with your food as a kid?  Honestly, until now, I’m still not convinced that we shouldn’t.  I mean, isn’t it just more fun to add a few things here & there to make your food more enjoyable to eat? 😀  Ponggo & I have drafted 4 suggestions on how you can make your snack or meal more exciting & here’s how:

Googly Gooeys How to Make Your Food More Fun to Eat San Miguel

Yup, sprinkles bacon and ice cream are always good ideas!  So, when we learned about the My Great Food 15-Second Cooking Challenge, we thought it was going to be a fun idea!  We’re both fans of taking photos (and recently videos). I love arranging & rearranging things & Ponggo can do all the cooking.  *Lol on the distribution of tasks.*

The idea is to come up with summer-inspired recipes.  I’ve been living off on ice blended drinks & iced coffee to survive the summer heat so what I really wanted to come up with was blended ice cream using Magnolia Best of the Philippines Ice Cream topped with coffee jelly made from plain jelly + San Mig Super Coffee Original.  However, since Ponggo is the so-called chef between the two of us, his ideas won.  😉

Since we’re addicted to sprinkles lately, we made a Rainbow Brownie a la Mode.

Here’s the breakdown of ingredients for those of you who want to try it:
1 box of Magnolia Fudge Brownie
1 egg
Magnolia Best of the Philippines Ice Cream Coffee Crumble
Sprinkles (available in leading supermarkets)

Rainbow Brownie a la Mode

For the proportions & cooking, we just followed the instructions on the box & voila, we have our Brownie a la Mode!

Well, it didn’t stop there.  Well, who does not love bacon so we just needed another bacon-centric recipe.  We wanted it to be fun & summery so we added the flaglets made with washi tape  & toothpicks.  If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know how big a fan I am of washi. My friends would always ask, “Do you really have to put washi tape on everything?” My standard answer is, “for my personal happiness, yes”.  So, here’s our Bacon-wrapped Dino Recipe:

For this set, we used:
PureFoods Fun Stuff Dinosaur Nuggets
PureFoods Classic Honeycured Bacon
Magnolia DariCreme Buttermilk

Bacon Wrapped Dino Video Recipe

Halfway during the shoot, Ponggo even wanted me to shoot the dinosaurs walking & saying “Rawr”. As you can see, that idea didn’t make it to the final video but it just goes to show how much fun food can bring out the kids in all of us. 🙂 We still had leftover bacon after we did this so I made baked potatoes with sour cream, onion leaks & with a generous serving of bacon the next day.

Play the video for the step-by-step instructions 😀


This week has actually been extra special. I always usually manage to fill up my downtime with work, work & more work.  Lately, I tried toning that down by adjusting my schedule & giving more time on preparing my own food. By putting both of us in a “recipe” state of mind through this challenge, I started picking up more stuff from the grocery and cooking twice this week which is such an achievement (by our standards) because I’ve always been known as the microwave girl.  Yesterday, I also made some elbow macaroni with tomato sauce, mushrooms and Magnolia Quickmelt cheese. Ponggo & I were clapping our hands & he was congratulating me on the fact that I can finally make edible food! He’s usually the one being asked by my parents & friends to cook for them. Hehehehe.

Whoever knew that what started out to be a fun cooking challenge can actually have so much impact on someone’s everyday routine? *Why am I in such a reflective mood? Hahahaha.*

Anyway, ’til our next recipe!

Tipsy ❤

San Miguel PureFoods My Great Food

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Eilynn Charm M. Quiros
10 years ago

looks yummmmmy!! *drools* hihihihi!

10 years ago

I am amazed at how well you made these videos! They are {very} quick and yet they have this colorful fun feel. Amazing!

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