A couple of weeks back, I received a friend request form an artist I’ve been following for years now and I turned red–another friend of mine was a witness. Â I’m not very good at being a fan girl in real life. I just give anyone I idolize a sheepish grin while being unable to compose any decent sentence in the fear of being judged and therefore shunned by Senpai. Lol.
The Introvert
Introvert Goes to a Party
Signs That Your’e an Introvert
The first time I got starstruck was when I was five and I met Kuya Bodjie of Batibot.  I always watch his shows and one day, he was eating at the table next to us!  I can’t express how much I enjoyed his story telling and hosting on TV.  *Oh gosh, if you can’t relate to my references, I’m really old. Haha.* Years later, Vanessa Carlton came to town and in my head, I wanted to tell her how I also love singing, playing the piano and ballet and….ta-dahh…I wasn’t able to say anything. 🙂 I murmured a thank you and just walked away–partly happy, partly scared and intimidated because she wasn’t particularly a sunny kind of person.
For the years that followed, I would find myself smiling and admiring an artist (of any genre) from afar. Â I’d like to think I’m getting better at it though thanks to the hubby who is always there to save me when I don’t have anything decent to blurt out.
When I was in high school, it used to be all about looks. Just imagine I used to do charcoal portraits–one of which was Leonardo diCaprio’s just because it’s so easy to stare at his face for a long time. Lol.  But now, I easily admire a person not just for their skills but also for their artistic style–from across all disciplines.  I end up telling myself, “Wow! What a beautiful mind.  What a passionate soul.”  I’m easily charmed by people who are bursting with so much love for their art form and have the ability to infect the people around them with the same energy. ♥♥
There, I’m fan girling again. *Sigh*
Tipsy ♥
P.S. See you at this weekend’s Color Pop Fair, INK Fest & Brush Lettering Workshop! 🙂
P.P.S. Speaking of colorful weekends, have you checked out the OhBD collection yet?
This was the exact same feeling when you followed me! Haha! I’m all chatty in your comment section and social media posts but I bet I will freeze up when I get to see you in person. Hihihi. 🙂
This is me at inkfest last saturday! :))
I was like….sheeeee’s hereeee! Then I got to shy so I am content with just to see from a distance. :))
So on point! :)) I always run conversations in my head but I end up not saying them cos I get too starstruck with you guys teehee. (I hope you don’t find me creepy and annoying though huhu :(( )