Faces of World Cup Fans

Faces of World Cup Fans

Aside from the actual games, it’s always a treat to watch the expressions from the faces of World Cup fans . They’re so varied and it always amuses us when someone’s expression changes in a split second from the oh-my-gosh-I-think-I-might-wet-my pants face to the yeah-seven-one-beat-that face or the for-once-I-hate-my-team face!  As for the players, we’re always amused that during a penalty shoot-out, once the game ends, both the person responsible for making the team win & lose are crying.

It’s one emotional ride each time!  I’m pretty sure it’s fun to be the photographer or videographer assigned to look for the interesting faces of world cup fans!

Well, here’s to all the World cup fans out there especially those who will be up all night or will be up early today to catch the finals! 🙂


Tipsy & Ponggo

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P.P.S. As of  July 14, 2014, this post has been updated. Congratulations Germany! 🙂
Don’t cry for me Argentina 😉

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