Eight Responses to Why Are You Single

As you know, the real-life couple behind the Googly Gooeys is married.
*Oh wait, why am I talking about myself in the third person?*

Anyway, these days, the usual question we get is “When are you having kids?” or “Are you pregnant?” So, we needed to rely on you dear Googly readers to refresh our memory since it’s been more than a decade ago since we were single!  Well, just in case you were wishing that you were in our situation instead, you may go through this blog post or know that just yesterday, my mom called me.  It started with us talking about food and how we should be changing our diets soon, our family schedule and such and then…


She said, “You’re turning XXX this year!  You have to WORK on that future child of yours!”
Yeah. Serious stuff.  Apprently, it’s work!  Lol on the choice of words.   *Peace, ma!*  So, fear not if you get asked about the non-presence of a boyfriend or girlfriend in your life.  The interrogation never really stops: the question just changes.

(See: Frequently Asked Questions by Relatives & Friends)

Thank you @porkyfig, @pambanda, @anindittaaa, @unlimitedsarah, @saabgomez & @carlyle_s for your responses!  Thanks to everyone who participated too!  I wish we could do this more often!  Any suggestions for the next open topic?

Meanwhile, here are eight reasons why you don’t have a boyfriend / girlfriend. 😉

How Come You Don't Have a Boyfriend Girlfriend


P.S. If you’ve been living under a rock or none of your friends were kind enough to inform you (because they want to win), the Fully Booked blog giveaway winners have been announced here!  If you see your name here, please e-mail me your full name & mailing address within this week or else we’ll have to pick another winner!

P.P.S. See you at the Bensimon DIY Session this Saturday! 🙂 The workshop is free as long as you buy your own pair of sneakers at selected Common Thread branches.  Read about it here. 🙂

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