Expectations: Mom can do her DIY projects alone, help out in the family business, have enough quality time with Riley, be a thoughtful daughter, friend and fulfill her life goals too! ?
Reality: First off, there’s the hubby who helps out with pricing, negotiations, logistics and events. He helped me source the fabrics and tumbler too! Then there’s Tita Anne. I designed the tumbler on my laptop but she was the one who cut this with Cricut, mounted it on the tumbler, styled the workspace and did the mock-up for the hanging pocket organizers and more! She took my picture too. ? Then there’s Mamita who helped me with production, Riley’s grandparents and yaya, Ate Ruby, who takes care of him. Last but not the least, there’s my sister who gives me valid critique and the entire team with CJ, Berna, Gail, Charm, and Jamil who helped out with the workshop. The team even did the bunny sample together. Plus, we couldn’t have been at the workshop if not for Alex’s trust and contagious passion. ? Yes, it takes an entire village!

Not everything that looks easy is easy. Even this project! But there is beauty in embracing imperfection, in enjoying not just the ouput but also the process. The participants at the Tang crafting booth got to DIY their tumblers but not with the help of our Cricut. Just their hands and a pair of scissors.

Expectations: Mom can easily whip up a DIY project.
Reality: Mummy designed this tumbler on her laptop because she is a graphic designer. What may seem simple actually took years of practice. She employed the help of her cutting machine and she asked the help of her teammate to put stickers on the tumbler.

Tart Carlos, stand up comedian and actress, DIYing her tumbler. She also stars in Tang’s latest commercial and campaign: #RealMomsGetItDone. Check out the real and funny video here.

Time to paint the hanging pocket organizer! Here’s one of the mini standees we placed in the venue for participants who were painting and using acrylic for the first time.

We honestly love these organizers because not only are they cute and fun to do but they’re also super functional. Which reminds us, we need to “Marie Kondo” the Googly HQ soon. Hehe. (What would you paint on your hanging pocket organizer?)

Saab Magalona, Bettina Carlos, Dimples Romana, Dorothy Arroyo, Tart Carlos
I like how Elizabeth Gilbert shared in her talk that since the Renaissance, people loved celebrating the achievement of a single (wo)man. In turn, this puts so much pressure especially on us moms. So happy that Tang celebrated the fact that #RealMomsGetItDone. As you will see on IG stories, our behind-the-scenes posts are far from Instagrammable. ? But yes, we get things done. From checking things off our overwhelming to do list to keeping our child alive and well-hydrated. ?
So happy to have heard Bettina Carlos say that kids don’t need perfect moms: just happy moms while Nicole Hernandez says how if we wanted to carve out me time by working out, we should just go for it (so I was able to workout these past few days ?) while Saab Magalona shares that there are different styles of motherhood and you should just embrace what works for you. ??
Sending hugs to all the moms out there! You’re doing great despite what your inner mom guilt tells you ?. *Hugs*

Cynthia Icasas, Princess, Rosebud Benitez, Delamar Arias, Bianca Santiago Reinoso, Nicole Hernandez, Saab Magalona-Bacarro, Bettinna Carlos, Dimples Romana, Dorothy Arroyo, Tart Carlos, Divine Lee-Go, Isha Borromeo, Nina Rayos, Via Austria, Colleen Mateo, Kris Lumagui, Janice Villanueva

With Mommy Nina Rayos who I first met during our cookie painting workshop last year. Her daughter was sticker-bombing her face then. So cute!

And last but not the least, thanks to the entire team who helped us “get things done” at our DIY Tumbler Decals and Paint Your Hanging Pocket Organizer booths at the Tang #RealMomsGetItDone launch. Til the next one!
Interested in joining a Googly Gooeys arts & crafts, digitizing, watercolor, drawing, cookie painting and other creative workshops? Want to know about our next events? Receive updates by signing up to our mailing list below: