Cookie Painting and DIY Loot Bag Workshop with Johnson’s Baby

While workshops may seem part of our job description, it’s something that we likewise consider a treat. We love witnessing how participants get to enjoy, play with and nourish their creativity and imagination. Even more so when it’s something they could share with their loved ones like mom. It’s quite the treat!

Such was the case when we held a cookie painting and loot bag making craft workshop for the launch of the Johnson’s Baby Milk Range and their #NaturallyBeautifulMOMents Campaign. Here are a few photos from that lovely afternoon.

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Bianca Gonzalez and hubby JC with their daughter Lucia crafting a bunny lootbag.

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Mommy Karla and Draco with their own version of the bunny lootbag! How would you design yours?

The crafting kits came with a DIY sticker sheet which leads us to the following fun and cute sticker bombing moments!

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This candid shot of little Ysha putting stickers on her cheeks is the cutest, don’t you think?

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We first spotted Sky sticker bombing her seatmate and eventually she placed tons on Mommy Nina Rayos’ face. It was such a sweet and fun moment we couldn’t help but ask to take their photo. Hihi. ? (Also, what’s with kids and stickers on faces?)

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Pottly and Mommy Marie painting some cookies! Someone sure is excited for the coming holidays.

There were so many heartwarming emotions and moments that day and we couldn’t help but snap and take photos of moms and their kids. Here are some more of our favorites.

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Baby Jace enjoying his Superman moment care of Mommy Janice Lizardo.

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Lastly, we’d like thank Johnson’s Baby for the opportunity to hold this workshop and more so to openly discuss how much pressure there is to paint a photo of motherhood that only highlights the fun parts and rarely, if not, talking about the many challenges that comes with it. ?

I admire Bianca Gonzalez for washing off her makeup at the start of the Johnson’s Baby launch to remind everyone that your child loves you no matter what, unkempt hair, no makeup and all. They just want mom and a hug from her always brings comfort.

I personally have a stash of mommy and baby photos that I didn’t share on social media. My hair uncombed. No makeup. Toys everywhere. I always felt like I need to use a professional camera and wait for the sun for that perfect light so we get consistent quality photos not realizing that even the blurry phone images under fluorescent lighting capture the most precious and raw parts of our bonding too. ? But even so, they felt so raw and these are precious memories that I would love to remember until I’m old and grey. ?

Overall, we’re super grateful to Johnson’s Baby for the opportunity to hold another crafting and cookie painting workshop. It’s always so heartwarming to see moms and their kids bonding over these activities. Til the next one!

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