International Blog Giveaway with LoveNikitaPH, Aya Dalumpines & Bohemian Gulaman! (Contest Closed)

Hello Googlykins! 🙂 How’s your weekend? We’ve gathered some of our crafter friends to help us out with this giveaway 🙂 The Happy Things Giveaway (Part 2)! ♥  We’re featuring the lovely crocheted works of LoveNikitaPH, the creative fashion illustrations and handmade cards of Bohemian Gulaman, and we’ve collaborated with Aya Dalumpines on some crisp & colorful handmade notebooks.

Blog Giveaway Cover with Aya Dalumpines, Bohemian Gulaman & Love Nikita

First off, the crocheted items that are up for grabs are the necklace, bracelet, crochet tools, peter pan collar and crocheted cupcake (which I really really wanted to have kept for myself. Lol.) These were all handmade by Nike Nadal of   Nike was my mail swap partner and she sent me some of her crocheted works.  I’ve been super impressed by her workmanship & her taste in colors ❤ I also admire her patience with this craft.  I initially wanted to create a mini Tipsy & Ponggo plushie story with this giveaway.  I tried crocheting stuff and alas, I gave up.  I haven’t even done a lot and my fingers were already in pain (while my head hurt while trying to recall how I finally completed my crochet project back when I was in grade 6.)

Love Nikita (Split Screen, Macro on Cupcake)

I’m such a fan of peter pan collars.  You’ll find me wearing one here, here, here.  So, when Nike told me that she’ll be including these pretty collars on her list, I was excited! 🙂
Love Nikita (Peter Pan Collar)
Nike also wanted to share her love of crocheting so she included this yarn set ♥  How thoughtful!
LoveNikita Yarns

Next up is Aya Dalumpines. Aya & I met at a Washi Party & have been mailing each other stuff ever since. Once, Aya sent me a personalized handmade notebook. I’m just amazed as to how uniform the sheets on the notebooks are and how neat everything is. You see, all the papers I cut are unique–I will never be able to form a decent notebook. For this giveaway, I sent her some potential notebook covers.  Aside from notebooks, Aya also sells craft tools and materials.  She bakes yummy cookies too 🙂

AyaDalumpines (All Notebooks)
I always wanted to create patterns and design surfaces so I’m just grateful that Aya agreed to do this collab with me 🙂

Aya & I discovered that we had the same taste in washi tape: plain & geometric ones.  And so, I thought that for the notebook covers, we should mostly go for geometric 😉  Aya even put a space behind each notebook for both of us to sign.  How sweet!

Aya Dalumpines (Stripes, Ampersand & Space for Signature)

If you’ve been reading the blog recently, you’ll find that I turned that colorful triangular pattern against black into one of them frames in my recent posts. I also turned it into a tiny summer bag in this post.

Aya Dalumpines (Geometric Notebooks)

Finally, we have some handmade cards & notebooks from Gela of  Bohemian Gulaman 🙂 I first stumbled upon Gela’s works at the 10a Alabama Arts & Crafts fair.  I bought some cards from her.  I can’t help but fall for the creatively overlapping fashion illustrations and the way she would effortlessly put her signature paint splatters allover her artworks.

Bohemian Gulaman (card sets)

Two sets of 4 cards are up for grabs as well as two sets of three packs of the Make a List series.  I can’t help but take a photo of all the papers from the side.  They’re a lovely bunch to stare at! ❤

Bohemian Gulaman Cards (colors from the side)

By the way, each “Make a List” notepad has a bunch of colorful papers in it.

Bohemian Gulaman (make a list collage)

The other cards come with inspiring quotes. One of my favorites is the one that says, “You are not a drop in the ocean.  You are the entire ocean in a drop. -Romi”

Get Clicking

Well, what are you waiting for? 🙂 Get clicking below!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

128 thoughts on “International Blog Giveaway with LoveNikitaPH, Aya Dalumpines & Bohemian Gulaman! (Contest Closed)”

  1. I’d love to get the “Make a List” notepad ’cause I love doodling and “organizing” by listing down stuff!

    1. Thanks Mimai! 🙂 Yes, you should try one. I actually regret not appreciating the Peter Pan collar we used to have in my grade school years. Now I enjoy wearing them 😀

    1. –Because I love to collect pretty notebooks. I can brag how talented Fiipino crafters are to my mailswap friends abroad 🙂

    1. I forgot to answer why hihi. I collect all kinds of notebooks, make a dozen lists a day, i love sending handmade cards, and the crochet stuff, zomg my lola would love to see me try my hand in crochet 😀

        1. She’s really old and have poor eyesight na but I know for sure she’s going to be very strict about “proper” crocheting when I come running to her with handful of tools 😛

          Wow, really? I’d love to meet her! Does she have a blog? 🙂 To be honest, I actually don’t like writing on the pretty notebooks – gaaah. I reserve the scribbling for those cattleya/green apple notebooks 😀

  2. I hope to win the handmade notebooks and cards from Gela of Bohemian Gulaman because I collect pretty notebooks like those and the Make A List cards would be a big help for a busy bee like me! 🙂 Thank you! 🙂

    1. Hey Danna! Thanks for joining. Yes. Lists are always a big help & colorful to-do lists always adds a little sunshine to anyone’s day 😀

  3. Sheela Marie Castillo

    The Crocheted Tools plus the necklace and crocheted cupcake. I want to have them all. 🙂 Im fond of making crocheted scarves 😀

  4. Ahhhh! I just freaked out when I saw Giveaway Part 2! Love the washi tape notebooks! They all look pretty rad! 🙂

  5. I want to join! Everything is lovely! But if I had to pick only one, it would be the set of cards from bohemian gulaman. Thanks in advance! 🙂

  6. Looking at cute notebooks inspire me to jot down my ideas. So I think I’d go for the colorful handmade notebooks! But I’d love to have the Peter Pan collar and the lovely cards! So I guess, all? Haha!

    1. Hello Maika! 🙂
      Aww…Only 1 prize / 1 set of prizes will be given per winner. However, you can head over to each of their shops & purchase the stuff they make 😀

  7. Wow. Another giveaway! 😀 The notebooks, cause I’m finding myself scribbling away on scrap papers during work to clear my mind of my thoughts but the Peter Pan Collar!!! *O* I’m into crochet but I don’t thin I can make something as pretty as that. XD

  8. I love personalized, hand-made stuff! Personally, I would really like to win the stationary. Love the designs!

  9. Thank you for introducing us to these crafter/artists! I know Aya on Instagram but not the others. I particularly like Aya’s and Gela’s work and would love to have anything from them! I have a love affair with pretty paper. :p

    1. The pleasure is ours! 🙂 Yep. We have so many talented crafters 🙂 It’s nice to see you here Eula! I always see you on Instagram 🙂

  10. I really really love your website!! I think the crocheted cupcake is for me!! hahaha! I should win because Iam a big fan of your site and people who are good in making crocheted items 🙂

      1. yes me too! I really want that Crocheted Cupcake keychain from LoveNikitaPH please give it to me. 🙂 I joined your contest last time. Contest about Naming your characters I didn’t win but I’m still happy because ponggo and tipsy are way way better than what I suggested 🙂 sooo please let me win this hehehehe

        1. hi ponggo!! 🙂 how are we gonna claim our prize? 🙂 i’m sorry for spazzing but i’m just too excited jahhahaha!!

      2. hi ponggo!! 🙂 how are we gonna claim our prize? 🙂 i’m sorry for spazzing but i’m just too excited to get my prize ahhahaha!!

  11. Hello hello! The paper products look absolutely amazing, I’d love to have some of them on my very boring desk 😛

  12. I would love to win the handmade cards & notebooks from Bohemian Gulaman 🙂 These lovelies shall make my paper fetish scream, jump, shout, clap, roll for joy 😀

  13. Mariel Arboleda

    Wow the personalized notebooks and illustrated cards are so beautiful! I would really love to own any of those! It’s definitely going to inspire me to write more often <33

  14. Ericka Dannielle

    the crocheted items especially the PETER PAN COLLAR! ’cause it’s so cute and trendy! woot wooot! ♥

  15. Hello! I have been a fan of Nikita! I did a couple of purchases from her already. I just had my crochet workshop and I am still inlove with crochet. I loved, love and will continuously love anything related to crochet! I would definitely LOVE to win the items from Nikita! Additional accessories and new yarns for the new craft im learning! (Fingers-crossed)

  16. I would love to have those crochet items from Nikita!. I find crochet items very romantic. Plus, the Peter Pan collar! Absolutely lovely! 🙂 I’m a frustrated “crochet-er”. When I was in highschool, I almost failed that class! (Yep, we studied how to crochet in our TLE class). My hands failed me during those times. I would love to try it again with the free yarn!

  17. I would love to have those crochet items from Nikita!. I find crochet items very romantic. Plus, the Peter Pan collar! Absolutely lovely! 🙂 I’m a frustrated “crochet-er”. When I was in highschool, I almost failed that class! (Yep, we studied how to crochet in our TLE class). My hands failed me during those times. I would love to try it again with the free yarn!

  18. I’d like to win those pretty handmade notebooks. I think keeping notebooks is my thing. Way back in college, I would buy notebooks and binders and instead of using them, I keep them away. After years, I would take them out and use them for something that’s special. Teehee!

    I love, love, love paper!!!

    P.S: Being a teacher is also a good reason to keep notebooks! Haha! =D

  19. The crochet – i’m a bit of fashionista 🙂
    “Make a List” Notepad – i really love writing quotes or poems so i love to have those colorful cards 🙂

  20. I loooooooove the notebooks! I just want to use them while I’m still in school. Having a cool notebook is such a great motivator for me personally. Especially when it is handmade, I don’t want to put the one who made it put all his efforts to waste.

    I love the designs! Whimsical and colorful which is just my taste. I love all paper goods, really. I just can’t miss this opportunity.

  21. that wool are so nice. here in sebia we do not have so good choice and the price is matter. I am in! <3

  22. Jemima Job Tadena

    I super love the crocheted items! Cupcakes and accessories are two of my favorite things in life! 🙂

  23. the make a list notepad ^^ because I’m always forgetting the things I need to get done in a day! The notebooks are lovely too

  24. I’d love to have the handmade cards and notebooks because I loveeeee collecting notebooks even if I don’t write anything inside because it’s too cute to use. 🙂

  25. Kaye Cebele Gonzales

    I’d like to win that Bohemian Gulaman Cards! Gosh, those stuffs really fits my sentimental side. Goes well with my card collection, too! 🙂

  26. I wanna have something fun and cool to remember when i feel sad about everything. =)) such a cutie. And I totally have a nag for having notebooks and not use them because i find them too nice :)))))

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