100 Happy Days

Everyone’s been posting their own versions of 100 Happy Days (#100HappyDays) on Instagram. It’s like #Project365 but taken to a whole new level!  You see, you can’t just be posting photos. You need to be H-A-P-P-Y.  We all have our ups and downs and at the onset it’s seemingly impossible to be happy for 100 days in a row!?!  For a while there, I think #100DaysofTryingToBeHappy or #100DaysofPretendingToBeHappy might be more feasible.  (These hashtags with capital letters and no spaces between them are making it hard to write sentences with no spaces in them).  So, I gave it a thought.  Happy is such an elusive term.  I don’t think I can be stuck in an eternal high for around three months & 10 days.  That would literally give me a headache and I would probably appear fake with a smile plastered on my face 24/7. (Yep, even in my sleep ;)).  What would I actually do on a day when I’m having some random breakdown?

But, upon close examination, I think this project is helping us accept that life will always have it’s overwhelming, exciting, and as well as its horrible share of surprises.  The key is to find something that we can be grateful for from hearing Ponggo’s tiny sneeze  (I don’t really know why it seems as if someone swapped our signature sneezes) to being able to find a one-of-a-kind cookie at an art fair or a fulfilling a little over an hour calorie & fat burning exercise.

Anyway, here’s another stop motion vid to celebrate the little things that we’re happy about.  By the way, I don’t think this Stop Motion Fever is going to stay here for a while 😉

P.S. Speaking of stop motion, we figured out, we need a Vine account. Follow @googlygooeys on Vine here! 🙂



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10 years ago

Perfect for summer. ^-^

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