Workshop for Moms & Kids: Watercolor Crafts

Hello Everyone! I must say, I miss being able to blog & do comics regularly but I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Riley is pretty much the center of our lives now.  Some friends are even joking he’s our meme now & there might be no need for comics. Haha.

Riley With Eyes Closed IMG_8932“Haha! That’s so funny but I’m sleepy!”

Isn’t so amazing how we started life as human beings? We just slept and ate & slept and ate. Haha. In between preparing the stuff for this blog post, Riley just finished his milk with his eyes closed.  So ironic too how, by taking care of a human being who sleeps almost 16 hours a day, his parents lose sleep in the process. Hehe.  This little hooman just turned three months old a few days ago!  It seems like yesterday, I was just some person walking around with a giant ball in my tummy. 😀

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When I was still pregnant, I would always draw tiny dancers.  I always tell people during workshops that when choosing a subject to draw, pick the one that means a lot to you.  I just realized I’ve been dancing (as a hobby) for 20 years now and so it always amuses me when I revisit my childhood years spent at the barre & backstage.  I was pretty curious though.  I didn’t know how having a son would actually affect my work.  To begin with, I thought my palette would change drastically or my subject but I kept on drawing little ladies until a month ago.

Papercut AnimalsRecently though, thanks to Riley’s outfits, I became exposed to all these cutie patootie animals: dinosaurs, a moose, some foxes, a bunny, a bear, a dog that looks like a bear, a bunny that looks like a bear, an alien et cetera. Haha.  I was initially afraid to use a new subject but I just felt it was high time for some change.

Paper Cutouts

Also, I’ve been getting several requests for a kids’ workshop or a mom & me workshop.  Meanwhile, my workshop attendees were moms of those who wanted to learn watercolor so they can teach their kids.  On the other hand, parents would always ask me if their child can join the regular workshop sessions.

03 Animal Tempaltes 2IMG_8977 copy
So I just thought it’s high time for a workshop for moms & kids after tinkering with paper one day.  It’s like a collab…but this time between parent & child. 🙂  I was thinking of doing it in the month of May in honor of Mother’s Day.  Apparently, Fully Booked will also have other activities on that day so we agreed to do it on Mother’s Day itself! 🙂 The details are as follows:

Workshop: Watercolor Crafts
Date: May 15, 2016
Time: 3:00-5:30pm
Venue: Forum, Fully Booked Bonifacio Global City
Course: basic watercolor projects & crafts you can do with your kids
Minimum Age: 3+
Maximum Age: I swear, this is for the kids & kids at heart! 🙂
Workshop Fee: Php 2,850.00 for every mom & kid pairing

 12-color Faber-Castell Watercolor Set
4 Faber-Castell Watercolor Brushes
Sheets of Watercolor Paper
1 Pencil
1  Eraser
1 Googly Gooey Tote Bag
1 Googly Gooey Notebook

05 Standing Bunny IMG_8966

How will this workshop work if the kids attending will be of different ages? We designed the workshop in such a way that moms & kids can decide on their roles in building the paper pals and at which stage they want to start the project but the output will still be the same. 🙂  Teams *as I’d like to call them* can choose to start the workshop from scratch or from ready-made kits. 🙂

01 Desk of a Child (FB) IMG_8962 copyMeanwhile, thanks to the co-presenters Fully Booked, Nuffnang Philippines & Faber-Castell for making this workshop possible for a first time mom! :)  See you guys on May 15! Reserve your slot by signing up below:

P.S. Just in case you’re not available on Mother’s Day but you or your child would like to enroll, our youngest unsupervised workshop participant is 11 years old but we allow chaperones in our regular workshops to help out with the instructions for kids 12 years old & below.

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15 thoughts on “Workshop for Moms & Kids: Watercolor Crafts”

  1. Riley has grown up so fast! I have yet to see him since the (first) and last time I saw you was still during the Bloggys Awarding and he’s still swimming inside yout tummy. Hopefully I bump into you guys again. Hihi. Also, I hope my nephews and nieces can grow up fast so I can bring them to one of these workshops. #TitaDuties

    1. Haha. Right, I could probably design the future workshops in such a way that Titos & Titas can take their nephews & nieces if they wanted. 🙂 Yep, hope to see you soon in one of them events!

      1. Thanks! Omg I’m so happy you replied! ? I was so curious about how you made these. I wanted to attend the workshop but my wallet didn’t agree ? Can I request a blog post on these? If that’s okay with you. I love your work!

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