Picking Baby Names (Part 4)

Hey, hey, hey!
It’s almost Christmas!  Well, I was thinking of doing a Christmasy post but then I thought the Christmas Blog Giveaway says it all.

Picking Baby Names Baby Born on Christmas Day

Since I thought I’d be giving birth anytime soon, I spend a great deal of time fixing the house every day.  So far, I’m still pregnant.  Haha.  Not that I’m past due but maybe we’re just too excited.  So, Ponggo & I were talking the other day & we were thinking, what if the baby was born on Christmas eve or Christmas day?  We were picking baby names and toying around with the idea of changing his second name to something else like Noel, Christian, Emmanuel and stuff? Then, we thought of names from Christmas songs like Rudolph, Daher, Prancer, Frosty (the snowman) or even Olaf as our friends suggested so at least it’s more updated thanks to the animated movie Frozen.

So, here’s another round of pregnancy diaries:

Day 119 – So, my mom told me she wasn’t planning on setting up a Christmas tree this year since we’ve all been so busy but then she thought, if ever, it will be Riley’s first Christmas so she did.

Day 120 – Facebook is mocking me.  It just showed me that 4 years today, I just reached probably the lowest point of my weight in my adult life.  Today is the highest.  Hehe. Then again, we’re two people.  I swear, my appetite really went up the past few months.  I’ve been inhaling my food!  So happy to back to eating normal amounts of food the past couple of weeks again.  Whew!

Day 121 – I feel like a snowman lying in bed after enjoying the buffet.  I really dooooo.  If there was some costume party, it would have been easy for me to pick a costume. 🙂

Day 122 – Nothing gets you to work faster than your doctor saying “You’re giving birth in 1-2 weeks!”  We thought this was the case but as the day goes by, looks like the baby’s chillin’ in my tummy and will be taking a longer time to come out than usual. 🙂 He’s either too clingy or feeling cozy in there.

Day 123 – So I’ve been fixing my old room which we will be sharing with the little one. I’ve unearthed so many things such as my notes from high school, calligraphy samples from eons ago. 🙂

Day 124 – So the hubby & I were shooting stuff for the coloring book & the blog giveaway.  I was laughing at my bloated preggy fingers.  I can’t recognize them any more.  They say at this point in your pregnancy, your body retains more water to prepare your ligaments to loosen up.

Day 125 – Currently overwhelmed by parenthood more than childbirth. The latter is finite but the first one will last for a lifetime.  I’ve read a lot of articles about giving birth.  Then it dawned upon me, it’s just the beginning and there’s a bigger adventure after that. 😀

Day 126 – Lol on my mom & mother-in-law calling me every day & asking me if I’m still pregnant. (Also include here my friends and the hubby’s friends).  Haha. When I workout, people panic because they feel I might give birth in the middle of the class.  When I have to go to the bathroom in the middle of the workout, they also panic because they feel I might have driven myself to the hospital already.  Gahh…This is such a funny situation to be in.

Day 127 – Starting work on a Monday real early! Did some blog work at 4:45am because I’m too heavy. I need a break from sleeping. 😛  Yep, I’m almost always up before the sun rises.  So, please forgive all those e-mails, blog post & blog post updates in the wee hours of the morning.  But, I must say it’s also a good time to do chores!  It’s colder and quieter in the morning. 🙂

Day 128 – So I was being uber productive the other day until that awkward Miss Universe crowning moment which sent me hanging out & laughing at my Twitter feed.  Well, In ozer news, I’m still pregnant. No contractions because of that Miss U mix-up.

Day 129 – I just did some last minute shopping.  I was walking for 4 hours.  I took a dance class after.  Nope, nothing.  The baby doesn’t really care. Hehe.

Day 130 – The hubby & I are maximizing our alone time and so we watched Star Wars the other night.  Poor baby was moving around the whole time.  I think he wasn’t so familiar with the noise in the movie house.  He usually pretty chill when I workout with music or listen to Spotify.  Of course, his dad argues that the baby is upset because he can’t see the Star Wars movie yet. *Ha….ha* -_-

Anyway, Ponggo still insists that we name him something like Igor so that it’s more masculine.  To remedy that, I wrote on our dedication page in the coloring book the name I want to give him so it’s finally set in stone…err paper. 😀

Googly Gooeys Baby Riley
Yep, I had that clay figure made when I was 2 months pregnant.  *Excited much* I decided that whether we’re having a boy or a girl, we can just stick with that color because it’s a combo of pink & blue & it works best with our palette.  Well, let’s see. I might still change my mind. Haha. 🙂

Anyway, enjoy the holidays!  May you get to spend time with your family and friends.  Get lots of rest and sleep too especially for you workaholics. *I’m talking to myself.*

That’s it!

Merry Christmas! 🙂

Tipsy ♥

P.S. If you missed the blog giveaway, click here.

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Picking Baby Names (Part 1)
Picking Baby Names (Part 2)


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8 years ago

For some reason I was thinking if the last day listed in your diary would go…

“Day XXX – Riley’s here! Gotcha!”

Apparently not. Haha! I for one think that the 25th would be an awesome date for a birthday but my mom says otherwise (who happens to be born a day after Christmas). She says only the ninongs and ninangs are happy because they get to save lots of moolah! 2-in-1 presents abound. LOL. Kidding aside, Merry Christmas to all of you!

Cym Marzan
8 years ago

Merry Christmas! If you don’t give birth by tomorrow, it’ll be Riley’s first New Year. 🙂

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