Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & Chocolates

GG maslows hierarchy chocolates2
Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs & Chocolates

Are you familiar with the original Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs where it says in order to reach the self-actualization stage, we have to fulfill the basic human needs first? I read somewhere once that sometimes, all we need is love, some hugs or an ear to listen but no ho ho ho, some of us end up resorting to food to comfort us and this is why I came up with the chocolatey version of the good ol’ chart 😉

…because all we need is love chocolates.



Have you seen the rest of the cartoons about chocolates, food & dieting?
Obsessed with Chocolates
Fact of the Day #108: Chocolate is good for you.
The Five Stages of Dieting
Sweet Things That Start With C
My Answer to Facebook’s Question
Weight Maintenance
5 Stages of Anger


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Synz | From Sea to Summit
12 years ago

Sooo cute! ^_^

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