Tumblr Error Page & Your Personal Issues

Googly Gooeys Oh the Drama

It’s the Tumblr Error Page again! Oh noooo!

Tumblr Error Page ! It stares at you, so aloof, it won’t budge.  I was editing something on Tumblr. I refreshed the page and this Tumblr error page appeared O_o. It happened again. The NAVY blue screen of death. Well, sort of 😉 I always see this “We’re sorry” page & I can’t help but put a dramatic angle to it.

You know you’ve got issues if you’re too dramatic about the tiniest things. Oh, hormones.

Speaking of being emotional & social networking, here are a few posts that you might have missed:

You Know You’re in a Bad Mood When…
5 Signs That You’re Addicted to Tumblr
Fact of the Day #50 You’re Addicted to Social Networking if…
5 Signs That You’re Addicted to Facebook
5 Signs That You’re Addicted to Twitter
Of Social Networking Addicts & Zombies

P.S. The Googly Gooeys are on Facebook & Twitter too! 🙂

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Mwah mwah, tsup tsup
Mwah mwah, tsup tsup
12 years ago

I thought it was just with my computer, and then I saw this post on Facebook. Whew, I wasn’t the only one thinking this. lol

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