So this has been my habit since I discovered Multiply years ago. I would stay on a social networking site and search for new things that will inspire me. It usually gets to a point where I really like everything I see. Then, I get overwhelmed and confused then I start streamlining my feed.
I remember that when I started out with Instagram a few years back, I was following all still life photographers since I was into prop styling then. Most of them didn’t suit my palette but it didn’t matter. I just admired their pages! 🙂 My favorites until today are Linda Lomelino (@linda_lomelino) & Lena Haas of @theghostonmyback. I’ve seen how Linda has inspired a certain brand of photography through the years while Lena is just making me want to draw her every colorful healthy meal! 🙂
What I Shared with Candy Mag Online: My Favorite Colorful Instagram Accounts
After that, I moved on to the wedding phase since I was still doing wedding invites back then and planning to pursue wedding photography (which always gets sidetracked by blog opportunities…Haha). Then, my feed became a mix of friends’ posts and lettering posts. Lately though, I’m following more illustrators and accounts of Nordic & Australian design teams that do baby products. Hahahaha. I should share that list with you soon 🙂 I just love how they are able to challenge the palette for kids’ products and don’t just limit themselves to blue & pink. *Okay, okay. I shall save these thoughts for another blog post.*
More Instagram Stuff here:
Instagram Animation Tutorial
Instagram Pet Peeves
The Instagrammer Goes on a Date!
Thanks to the recent Katipunan Art Festival where I got to tour Plus 63’s HQ, I was really happy to have rediscovered my love for taking photos. Prior to that, I was just busy chasing deadlines and doing flat lay-outs. I used to love being able to feature places with aesthetics that inspired me.
Here are some favorite features I did in the past:
Toby’s Estate Makati
Co Op Manila
Pinto Museum
Scarsdale Artistanal Delights
I told myself maybe I should so some studio tour series or something. I don’t know how many I’ll be able to do given that I’ll be giving birth by the end of the year and our schedule has just been crazier than ever. I’m glad that I’m still able to blog–or that it has been in my system long enough so I always look for the opportunity to do so even when I have deadlines looming. *Oops*
Yesterday, I was so happy that I needed to work on a project at Wildwood– an online store. The last time I was here, I was with a bunch of friends and I told Aleyn that I’m really hoping that I get to revisit their place again before I pop so that I can feature it on the blog.
It’s so hard to put a caption on these photos because each time, I want to say, “This is my favourite corner”.
It’s amusing how my friends & I usually have succulents and we’ve all concluded that in order for them to live, you must leave them alone–no, do not water them but give them lots of sunlight! Haha.
Wildwood is an online store and this is their pretty “warehouse”. It is owned by Irene Lim & Aleyn Comprendio. The place sits beside Valerie Chua’s studio. I’ve followed Val since her blogging days years ago and I must say, these three are always a package deal. Haha.
Above are Aleyn & the hubby Ponggo. We met her at one of the Heima talks some years ago and since then I’ve always been a fan or her soulful analog photography and eclectic playlist. 🙂
Related: Analog Photography 101
Each time we meet, they always talk about cameras & film. Talking to Aleyn just makes you want to travel the world by the way!
Here’s a wooden stork and it matches our wooden Eiffel at home. I was so tempted to get it! They also have inspirational magazines such as Frankie Spaces. Shucks, I really love these Australian magazines and how they feature old houses that have been converted into modern homes. It’s usually teeming with stuff. It may be styled but you know people have really been living in it. To give you an idea, here is a simliar feature from one of my favorite Australian blogs, The Design Files.
Marga, one of Aleyn’s friends whom I met yesterday, browsing their magazine & Japanese adult coloring book collection. I told them they should be submitting pictures of their space to these magazines. Their studio looks just like a live version of one of them! 🙂
I caught Aleyn wrapping one of the packages just in time for a pick up and even if this scene wasn’t staged, it looks like it does. Haha.
I found this book lying on their couch thinking to myself “The unbearable brightness of being here in this studio filled with so much inspiration” (because I’m not really good with captions…Hehe).
If you’d like to get yourself any of these, just head over to their Instagram account @wildwoodstore or website
I always laugh to myself whenever I see bikes like these. Some years ago, the hubby asked me if I wanted to go biking. I said yes thinking I’ll be getting one of these pretty bicycles with baskets a la Zooey Deschanel above only to realize that I signed up for an 21-kilometer long off-road downhill biking adventure. Gahh…
Aleyn shared that their place is open for workshops as well as photo shoots. Oooooh!
I wish I could work at some place like this every day! 🙂
*Stares at all the paper I have to fix in our living room…Hmm…* I just love everything that I’m seeing I shouldn’t be using watermarks or else I’ll end up destroying the photos.
*Oh well.*
I finally had my picture taken by the hubby! I usually hide in photos when I’ve gained so much weight but this is currently me with a 7 month bump and swelling legs. Lol. I always have a hard time posing (and I end up criticizing myself too much) which is one of the reasons why I don’t have lots of photos on this blog. Then again, that pretty Japanese magazine just did the trick. The pages I was staring at were really distracting–in a good way. Hmm…Maybe I should start having more photos of myself taken while reading something. :D Ha!
‘Til the next studio tour! 😉
*Hopefully I’ll be able to clean up our place to give you a mini home tour as well in the future!*
P.S. Can’t get enough of Wildwood? Visit them here:
Instagram: @WildWoodStore
E-mail: hello(at)wildwoodstore(dot)com
Studio Visits: By appointment only.
Aleyn Comprendio
Twitter: @WallPosterStar
Instagram: @AleynComprendio
More Studio Tours:
Plus 63 HQ
Abbey Sy’s Studio
I made a new Hear Ye! strip because I just feel that there are a lot of announcements that are post-worthy! :) Here’s an open call for art! Young creatives are encouraged to submit 5 of their best works to By young, they mean lower than 25. *Darn it!*
The poster is by awesome John Ed de Vera. I really love a lot of things about this poster: the way Open is executed as a metaphor and the way the word call is a product of open. *Sigh.* Now, where can I borrow a brain like that? :O
By the way, we will also be giving a talk about how we have turned our pastimes into pursuits at UP Diliman. So happy that we will be with Abbey & Fozzy on that day! 🙂 The talk will be on October 15 from 1-4pm, BOA 304, Virata School of Business. Check out the Facebook event page here. The event is free & open to everyone. You may pre-register here. 🙂
Woo! This is going to be an exciting last quarter of the year with so many things happening! ‘Til the next batch of announcements!
Tipsy ♥
P.S. Add a pop of color to your weekend by checking out these art fairs & events. 🙂
Hi! This is Alex from AEC. Couldn’t get over your talk last Thursday! It was so inspiring and as an organizer, I felt so happy seeing the audience really enjoying your talk 🙂 Thank you so much! <3
Hey Alex. We’re also thankful that you had such a receptive and lively crowd!
Again, congratulations.