type lab manila

Googly Gooeys Hard to Sleep at Night Altine

Of ZzzZzZz’s & Typography

These days, I find it increasingly difficult to wake up early in the morning which is strange because I’m a morning person.  Then, thanks to taking long naps in the middle of the day, I end up finding it hard to sleep at night! Ugh. So, when I found my workout classmate’s Facebook status that […]

Googly Gooeys July Workshops
GOOGLY GOOEYS, singapore

Singapore Watercolor Lettering Workshops

Hello hello! 🙂 Ponggo & I are excited to announce that we will be having a Singapore Watercolor Lettering Workshops session this August at The Untitled Space. 😀  So, to our readers based in Singapore, we would love to see you soon.  As usual, we will be having our workshops here in Metro Manila this July.

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