Real Spam!
If only Spam were real, we wouldn’t have to go to the grocery and we’d have lots and lots of food for months on end. We’d have real spam flooding our mailboxes 😉 Nomnomnomnomnom.
The most exciting thing about downloading is…
The most exciting thing about downloading is… waiting for errors to simply pop out and for you to restart your download all over again 🙂 dun dun dun dunnnnn….. P.S. re: the light-year argument: yes, it was referring to the bar being elongated & not the time.
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYS, internet, social networking, then and now
Online Stalkers + Followers: Words Redefined
These words used to be scary and now, they’re associate to anyone who’s sitting the whole day in front of the computer or smart phone doing nothing but checking all the stuff that Google might cough up!