how we feel about the rain

Googly Gooeys On Rainy Days Like These

On Rainy Days Like These

It’s been a really cold past 48 hours and I’m actually grateful for this kind of weather after having to endure the not-so-human-friendly summer heat (i.e. 39 degrees Celsius).  Well, on raniy days like these, I just really hope everyone’s in somewhere safe & warm.  By warm, I mean, you could be in thick clothing […]

Googly Gooeys How We Feel About The Rain

How We Feel About the Rain + MT Spaces

The rain has been unstoppable these days.  Every week I try to do a quick gesture on my phone, I always hope that the drawings on the topmost layer of my updates will change into suns & clouds but no, they’re all lightning, rain & grey skies!  Recently, I’ve been having an on & off

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