Down the Blue Line Lane

Ever since I became a new mom, so many things have changed, Also, that first sentence is such a cliché statement but I now know what it truly means! :O 😀
To start with, just recalling how my life was before, I would laugh at how I used to come home dead tired from all the work and get-togethers. Now, parenting is no easy task but slowly, I’m learning how to conserve & budget my energy as I’m always waking up in the middle of the night to attend to Riley.

Riley Aye Aye CaptainIt may not look like it from the outside but I swear, I learned how to streamline my sched.   I also learned to take care of our house. It’s far from your magazine-type home but I channeled a bit of Marie Kondo a couple of weeks ago. I let go of “the things that did not spark joy” & tried to make our tiny space more livable for Riley.  :D
Riley Shelf Purefoods Googly Shelf

Before, I also had a bad habit of skipping meals (especially on workshop days when it gets hectic). Thanks to pregnancy & life as a new mom though, I learned to eat as needed. Yes, you will always be amazingly hungry & thirsty several times in a day. I learned to eat constantly as I’m always moving: doing chores, working, painting, typing, carrying Riley, driving et cetera.

I realized that a lot of the things I do now are based on what our mom did for us as a family.

When I was younger, at the end of every week after my ballet class, deviating from the usual formal dinner on the table, my mom & I would have this fun “picnic” on our bed while watching TV, talking & just relaxing.

Purefoods Corned Beef PaintingShe loves making me Purefoods Corned Beef & Purefoods Liver Spread sandwhiches.   My favorite is corned beef hash. I don’t know what’s up with me & potatoes (ahem fries, hash browns & baked potatoes). I also like my Purefoods Corned beef with lots of onions. Hehe.

When I used to live w/ my parent, before I got married, Purefoods Corned Beef omelettes were something my sister & I enjoyed so much. It was an excuse for ketchup abuse buffet. Err…anyone guilty of this too? 😀
Purefoods Brush Pen Recipe
Meanwhile, Purefoods Blueline Vienna Sausage has been my go-to staple for the years I was doing part-time freelance work and I chose to stay at home on certain days.

Lately though, if there’s something I learned from the hubby, that is, food is more exciting with chili. I didn’t even notice how my tolerance for spicy food has improved through the years until one day, my mom-in-law was warned us about how she accidentally put too much chili in the soup she prepared—something I surprisingly enjoyed.   Just like that, my Purefoods Corned Beef Hash has evolved into Purefoods Corned Beef Chili Garlic. 😀 It’s our staple when we just want to chill at home and save ourselves from the traffic and logistics of eating out.

So funny how Purefoods Blue Line has been part of our journey. So, what’s your Blue Line story? J
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Cym Marzan
7 years ago

I love potatoes, too! Wala lang!

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