This lay-out of all green school supplies takes me back to my college years. 🙂 My stuff then was mostly this color. I also remember how I would cut out letters from my favorite magazine to decorate my own notebook. Come to think of it, when I was in grades 4-6, a lot of my stuff was mostly green too!
I’m trying to go through each of the items in this picture and I realized that as much as these are bright hues that represent my choices, I see a bit of Riley in them too. Tiny car erasers and a robot on the notebook cover which are mostly his toys these days. If you asked me to do a similar lay-out two years ago, it would have probably been different.
They say art is supposed to tell your story: the things you’ve seen, your childhood, the things you owned & inspired you. I’m happy that it seems it goes beyond art as we know it on paper & even goes to the world of lay-outs & school supplies. I remember very well picking out the purple & fuchsia combo for my class number and art projects! Haha. 😀
Fast-forward to 2017 and now kids and teens (and even office goers with a soft spot for cutesy things) have a lot of choices more than ever! Our glue then was just in one color and most of the coin purses were just in one shape. The staplers were mostly black too. *This reminiscing is making me feel old. Haha.*
Together with Anne, a long-time blog reader (since 2011!), I picked out some stuff for you guys from SM Stationery North Edsa branch. We know that a lot of memories are made in school and in between the quizzes, homeworks and the pressure of studying, we hope you get visually inspired by what you see in your bag or on your desk. 🙂
From a pen with a character that speaks TO you, makes you happy or a bag that speaks OF you I hope you get to find your favorite in one of the SM Stationery stores! 🙂 I especially love this geometric tote bag. I’ve been waiting for this design to arrive here in Manila. It reminds me a lot of Australian design. That’s also my favorite shade of flesh when I paint! 🙂
There are just so many good finds in SM Stationery. It’s just like reading a good book or watching a nice movie. Even if you reread or replay it several times, you’ll find something you haven’t seen before! I like how SM Stationery also refreshes their collection from time to time and makes it easy for moms and kids to make the most of their back-to-school shopping with affordable finds.
Related Reads:
Colorful Finds at SM Stationery
Christmas Finds at SM Stationery
SM Stationery Art Fest 2017
The back-to-school pack is only Php 399 and it comes wth this geometric backpack, colorful notebooks, paper, a folder & more! 🙂 Check it out at the special section in the store. There are a lot of bag designs you can choose from as well.
Now, how cute are these emoji patches? 🙂 Spice up your current bag with these!
Yep. Gotta get ready with those scientific calculators too! You know why? J Math & science aren’t really just about terms & numbers. It’s about concepts, discovery, finding creative solutions & going through the process—just like art! 😉 Leave the computing to the machine. 🙂
The highlight of my back-to-school shopping then as a child was shopping for either (a) a pencil case or (b) art materials. Haha. Make the most out of your projects with these awesome art material combo’s!
Make your back-to-school shopping a memorable one and hopefully a bonding session too with your parents or kids. 🙂
Check out more school supply & art news from SM Stationery here:
Instagram: @SMStationeryPH
Facebook: /SMStationeryPH
Twitter: @SMStationeryPH
Reading this for the nth time. LOL. Also, I badly want that tote bag (with the geometric design). Hihi.
OMG. I’m getting paranoid if there’s a typo or not.
On the other hand, I’m guilty of watching my videos again & again. Hihi. *Hides & runs away.*
I’m happy to report that so far so good! No typos (unless my eyes have gone bad. Hopefully not!) 😉
Okay. I can breathe now.