The Lines We Draw

Lines We Draw for Ourselves

I think it’s ironic that the drawing above has all the bright colors but the message it conveys is a bit on the pensive side. *Hmm…*

I felt so stuck and uninspired last weekend.  I don’t feel so good when I feel I already have everything figured out then I have to start answering new questions in my mind again.

“Am I truly happy with what I’m doing?”
“Should I change my drawing style altogether?”
“Am I growing as a person?”
“Where do I see myself in terms of illustration / comics 5 years from now?”

Then, I read my friend Phill’s Facebook status that suggested that you feel stuck creatively, then you should make it the inspiration for your next work.  It totally made sense because that’s how I came up with this post about having a fried brain or getting burned out.

But still, I can’t seem to come up with something I truly wanted to share.  I realized though I was limiting myself too much.  I always tell myself,

“I can’t do this because _________.”
“I shouldn’t be doing this now because __________.”

I tend to embrace the more comfortable decisions and tasks instead of those that entail a bit of trailblazing & risk-taking.  I have this list of goals for this year but at the same time, I would put them off for the next month until the next year until I finally lack the excitement to start working on them at the very least.  So, it dawned upon me that if I have an idea, I should really force myself to do it already or someone else will.  Also, isn’t it ironic that we feel so STUCK but to start with we were the ones who drew the imaginary box for ourselves?  

Well, it has been a pretty pensive week for me but I’m glad that some questions have been answered.  More questions are still bothering me but I just chose not to give them space right now so I can give myself a break from everything. 🙂


Tipsy 😀

P.S. More pensive posts here:
Finding Your Own Style (Part 1)
Finding Your Own Style (Part 2)
Postcards from Tuscany
Clumsy Girl in Venice
Reasons Why You Should Visit Iceland

P.P.S. The new workshop schedules are up including the ones for Singapore.
July 19 – Watercolor & Lettering, Fully Booked Greenbelt 5, 1-5pm
July 25 – Watercolor & Lettering, Hey Kessy Katipunan, 1-5pm
August 1 – Watercolor & Lettering, SINGAPORE @ The Untitled Space, 2-5pm
August 2 – Watercolor & Lettering, SINGAPORE @ The Untitled Space, 2-5pm
Sign up for a watercolor & lettering workshop using the Google form here. 🙂

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9 years ago

This is just what I needed at the moment Tipsy! Moving to a new city feels daunting to me and as much as i’m having a good time getting to know it, there are still a lot of what ifs and a new clean slate to fill. Thank you for your pensive thoughts! It made all the difference. 🙂

Cym Marzan
9 years ago

It’s true that the only limits that we encounter are those that we set for ourselves. I have been feeling somehow like this when I wanted to start a watercolor series, but I cannot seem to just draw, to just go for it. There’s this feeling of wanting my output to be perfect right away, even if I haven’t even started yet. So silly, no?

8 years ago

This just hits me “I have this list of goals for this year but at the same time, I would put them off for the next month until the next year until I finally lack the excitement to start working on them at the very least.” When you have an idea of what to do and you tend to get all lazy about it and realized it’s been months or a year. OTL

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