Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts Blog Giveaway

Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts

OH my! So, just like that, half of the year is done! Β Is it really June already??? We’re kicking off our birth month with a fun & colorful giveaway from the land of sprinkles, Krispy Kreme! Woot woot! Β 

My relatives can attest, this is my go-to dessert contribution when we have a get together of sorts. Β I usually buy a box of assorted doughnuts just to make sure everyone’s covered. Β (I would secretly order more Chocolate Iced with Sprinkles than the rest of the flavors Β so that if anyone wants it, I can still have my fave variant). Β I’m also guilty of driving thru Krispy Kreme Greenhills Β when I’m craving for Chocolate Iced with Sprinkles.

So, when I found out that Krispy Kreme now has message doughnuts and that we’re sharing it with you guys, I got excited. Β We can now send our silly messages to our favorite people and eat it too! πŸ˜€ It can be a sweet happy birthday message or a note like “Gotta love Mondays” or “Oops! I did it again”.

Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts

The Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts box also comes with sprinkled doughnuts which will act as colorful spaces to complete your 20-character message.

Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts

As you may have noticed, the motivation to finish this shoot & blog post is to consume these doughnuts. Hahahaha. It was fun handing over the doughnut to Ponggo & putting it back on the plate while creating this stop motion animation.

Krispy Kreme Sprinkles Upclose

Above: Hello from the land of sprinkles! Β So, have you thought of your 20-character message yet? Well, what are you waiting for, we have 25 boxes up for grabs! Β  Share your sweet messages on our comments section & follow the instructions on the widget below πŸ™‚ Don’t forget to use the #JoyInABox when sharing this yummy new to your friends! ❀

Can’t wait for this promo to end? You may run to your nearest Krispy Kreme branch because these doughnuts will only be offered until June 15!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

P.S. All entries will be verified before announcing the winners so be sure to follow all the instructions carefully πŸ˜€ Β The winner must e-mail their full name & contact details right away to ponggo[at]googlygooeys[dot]com so that we can forward it to Krispy Kreme and we can send you the instructions on how to claim your prize. Β Should the initial winners fail to reply within a week, new winners will be picked. πŸ˜‰


Update as of June 16, 2014 9:46am:
Thank you so much to everyone who joined. We know you poured all your efforts into Tweeting, sharing on Instagram & the like but we can only have 25 boxes of doughnuts. πŸ™
Before we announce the winners (although I’m pretty sure you read the names first before reading this part), please note that if you see your name here:

a. You should e-mail your full name & contact details to ponggo[at]googlygooeys[dot]com
b. If you fail to do so within 1 week, we will have to pick a new winner (I hear a bunch of Yay’s from those whose names aren’t here).
c. Also, this promo has been implemented in other blogs so if the name appears on another blog, the person may only be proclaimed a winner once. Β If this happens, we will have to pick another name.Β 

Anyway, without further ado, here are the winners:

Iana Peralta
Olga C. Paguio
Kcat Yarza
Allyzon Mae Sabio
Apple Santos
April San Pedro
Liee Lozano
Anne Rochelle Ferrer Macachor
Jessiemer Abing
Francis Dale O. Ambrocio
Jaye Hernandez
Camille Yao Abarientos
Danica Ann Rabago
Tessalonica Gayanes
Michelle Baldevia
Regine Martha Aguilar
Andrea Quito
Kelly de Guzman
Meigie Anne (c/oΒ Carl Leoneill Baroma)
Ericka Dannielle Reyes Pinon
Janina Erika Sese
Bernadette Quilala
Kaye Raymundo
Joyce Ramirez
Joanna Marie B. Taguinod
Andre Tan

πŸ™‚ ‘Til the next promo. Again, thank you Krispy Kreme & thank you readers for making this an exciting & fun promo! πŸ˜€

450 thoughts on “Krispy Kreme Message Doughnuts Blog Giveaway”

  1. SORTED Got Me Sorted

    “Get yourself sorted!” It’s our chef’s birthday on June 14th! This will be a lovely surprise! πŸ™‚ #JoyInABox

    1. I was gonna say, “Hey, this already exceeded the 20 character mark” then I realized they’re two different messages. Hehehehe πŸ˜€

  2. CHIN UP MOM! SMILE! – For my mom because after all the trials and hardships that life has thrown at her, I want her to know that her daughters will always be here to make her smile and stay happy. πŸ™‚

    1. Aww…That’s really sweet. Maybe I’m hormonal lately but I was watching a mom assist her baby who’s learning to walk yesterday & I realized how sime of us take our moms for granted. πŸ™ Your mom really deserves this box of doughnuts. πŸ™‚

      1. Well, I’m referring to the doughnuts. Haha! Actually I’m referring to my 2-year old son. πŸ™‚

        1. I knew it! Hahahahaha.
          Ponggo hates it when I copy lines from those shows or if I talk to him as if I’m in one πŸ˜€ Heheheeh.
          #GuiltyPleasure πŸ˜€

          1. hahaha….seems i know that movie lol
            though this is not the exact line from the telenovela. I twisted it a little bit πŸ˜€ (*wink) (*wink)

    1. How do i edit the twitter handle i typed? Clumy hands. It should be choann04. Just learned bout this giveaway. Aaaaack, it’s midnight and I am craving for these donuts!

      1. Just enter a new one since there’s no way of editing once it’s typed :p Anyway, the wrong Twitter address will be invalid just in case it gets picked :p πŸ˜€

  3. Mary Anne Viquiera Tapang

    mY funny, silly, happy & sweet 20-character Krispy Kreme #JoyInABox message is I LOVE YOU HONEYBUNCHIEKO

  4. “We’re with you, bro!” #JoyInABox *Ditto with @danielleden:disqus. It happens to be that the friend that she mentioned is also my friend and we really wanna make him happy πŸ™‚

    1. Life has its ups and downs & best friends sure make them extra meaningful and a little more surviv-able (if there was even such a term). -Tipsy πŸ˜€

    1. So many romantic people here!
      This is probably literally & figuratively our sweetest promo & sweetest set of promo participants! Teehee πŸ˜€

  5. Happy Anniversary, Babe!

    Because this coming June 18 will be our 3rd wedding anniversary.. πŸ™‚ hope to win! πŸ™‚ #JoyInABox

        1. I know. It’s already June! Summer should already be over!
          I’ve actually never been this happy to see clouds outside my window. I just can’t seem to take the heat :'(

      1. Christine Zuniga

        surprising right πŸ™‚ not so mushy yet it leaves a long lasting effect in his mind lol

        1. You can Tweet, Share on Instagram & Facebook every day or you can always ask your friends and relatives to join & agree to share the prize when one of you wins. Hahahaha. πŸ˜€

        1. Hello Neil,
          Check back again from time to time, we’re still picking the winners & we’ll definitely announce it on this page πŸ™‚

  6. They should make this part of their regular offerings. Imagine the possibilities, no? Birthdays, anniversaries, etc. πŸ™‚

    1. They initially offered it during Mother’s Day but they’re extending it until June 15 πŸ™‚ Liee! I need your 20-character message to make this entry valid πŸ˜€

    1. Haha! That’s nice. Now it has got me thinking, they should’ve rewarded me with doughnuts as a kid for eating veggies. Hehehehe. -Tipsy

    1. Gahh..Can’t wait to order another box of Krispy Kreme! πŸ™‚ Honestly, talking to everyone here about doughnuts every day is making me hungryyyy πŸ˜€ -Tipsy

      1. Jennifer Aguirre

        too sweet for me, perfect with black coffee tho! weee.. do this on a daily basis you’ll get diabetes waaaa! jk! harhar…

    1. Sunflowers are really <3 I was a bit broken-hearted when I saw them being uprooted from UP. Sunflower season is over πŸ™ -Tipsy

  7. Leovelyn