Happy Easter!
Hey, hey, hey! Happy Easter everyone! 🙂
If you missed our animated post this morning, click here. Yup, our good friend My Eraser Is Gone helped us animate this post. It was fun doing this. I had no idea how hard animation is but Mikey (a.k.a. Mr. My Eraser is Gone) makes it look too easy. We were at a tea place. I told myself that I was not going to touch the computer this weekend except for this Happy Easter post. If you saw us, I don’t even want to know what you would think about us. We were demonstrating to each other how all the characters should move: how they should wave their hands, the sequence of the bunnies’ appearance & disappearance, how the eggs should roll and how Tipsy…how the rabbit ears should move…et cetera! 🙂
In short, you should really see the animated version! Click here to get to YouTube for the full video 😀
P.S. Don’t forget to follow My Eraser is Gone on Twitter too 🙂