This series of illustrations is dedicated to those kids who wore their underwear outside their paja
This series of illustrations is dedicated to those kids who wore their underwear outside their pajamas pretending to be superheroes. These are not in any way affiliated with the original characters. No copyright infringement intended. 😉
It’s Free to Dream
This is dedicated to all those kids who had secret dreams of becoming an astronaut. It’s free to dream and it’s never too late to chase your goals…It’s never too late to buy a trampoline 😛
Fact of the Day #69: Nothing can stop a hungry man…not even chopsticks :) Enjoy your lunch eve
Fact of the Day #69: Nothing can stop a hungry man…not even chopsticks 🙂 Enjoy your lunch everyone! 🙂
Fact of the Day #70: Some people are just more specific with colors than others.
Fact of the Day #70: Some people are just more specific with colors than others.
Toilet seats are the best thinking chairs in the world. ;)
P.S. Hey Guys, this cartoon has been turned into a t-shirt 🙂
Here’s Confessions of the Bored (Part3): While the Googly Gooeys are Away. Ingredients: 2 toys
Here’s Confessions of the Bored (Part3): While the Googly Gooeys are Away. Ingredients: 2 toys, 1 magazine, 1 camera & 1 loooooooong flight! We will be going back to regular programming…after the following messages..hehehe 🙂
Confessions of the Bored (Part2): While the Googly Gooeys are away… Ingredients: 2 toys, 1 camera, 1
Confessions of the Bored (Part2): While the Googly Gooeys are away… Ingredients: 2 toys, 1 camera, 1 magazine & 1 looooooooong flight!
Confessions of the Bored (Part1): While the Googly Gooeys are away… Ingredients: 2 toys, 1 cam
Confessions of the Bored (Part1): While the Googly Gooeys are away… Ingredients: 2 toys, 1 camera, 1 magazine & 1 looooooooong flight!
Fact of the Day #72: Not because you can’t hear anyone, no one can hear you.
Fact of the Day #72: Not because you can’t hear anyone, no one can hear you.
I Have an Active Social Life
These days people really believe they have an active social life because they’re able to get in touch with friends and they know about the newest products , rumors and what-nots. But really, they’re able to find out about all that just by sitting in front of the computer, clicking the day away! 😉 Ha!