INK Fest 2015 + Two Sides of a Conversation

I don’t know when I will ever learn to be completely comfortable with the idea of this awkward non-reply in the middle of a conversation.  I must say though that I have improved over the years.  I no longer spend hours and hours questioning myself and doing some useless why-why analysis as to why I didn’t get a reply like I used to when I was a teen. Ha! 🙂 😛

More Comics About (Mis)Communication Here:
Lost In Translation
I’m Not Angry
If Google Suggestions Were a Person…
A Love-Hate Relationship With My Phone

Two Sides of a Conversation

I’ve been working on a lengthy assignment for a half a month now and as usual, I found myself stuck in a rut.  I spent most of last night staring into space and disappointed that I can’t seem to move on with the designs I was trying to finish.

I was hoping that today would be different but nooooo. *Hmp!*
So, I tried painting instead and spending time offline. And oh, who would have thought I was actually listening to Backstreet Boys on Spotify while I was finishing this tiny dancer? 😀 *Woops* I’m giving my age away yet again.

Dancer & Leaves IMG_9527 copy

When I get real busy, I no longer have time to paint so I told myself to make it a point to paint once in a while.  And, as inspired by these miniature portraits by Elyoo, I realized I don’t really have to occupy one huge page. It can be a small one I can finish in one sitting just so that I get to practice every day. 🙂  Just afew notes about this process:

1. This is pretty much the activity that will be tackling at the Watercolor Doodles workshop. You will find the schedule of the last two sessions this year on this blog post.

2. Special thanks to Robert Alejandro who told me I should fuse a bit of fashion with my illustration and reaffirmed that I should embrace my personal style.  Months ago, we had a workshop at Hey Kessy during the Robert Alejandro x Hey Kessy  washi tape launch.  He all told us to get out of our comfort zone!  Since then on, I continued to work on my tiny dancers as you would see on Instagram.  I’ve been dancing for half of my life and I finally found a way to fuse my two loves. 🙂

3. I’ve been challenging myself to work with backgrounds.  I noticed that primarily, as a lay-out artist, I’m so used to rearranging floating elements to the point that I only have a subject with no floor, backdrop et cetera.  So, thanks to the watercolor workshop I attended by one of my favorite artists Wiji Lacsamana, I learned to work with geometric backgrounds.  Well, before I started this painting, I traced my palette and turned into a semi-circle. Hehe. *Yes, I’m too lazy to pick up a compass.*  Wiji shared that through her watercolor tattoo works, she’s able to come up with concise paintings by putting them all in one shape!

4. I’m so proud to say that Wiji & Kuya Robert are both INKies. 🙂 INK or Ilustrador ng Kabataan is an Organization for  children’s book’s illustrators teeming with award-winning artists!  A couple of years ago with so much doubt in skill set, I was surprised to have apparently got accepted into this organization.  Sometimes, I look around and laugh at how I’m such a fan girl inside my own org.  I must say, fellow members have continued to inspire me to improve on my craft.  Gahh…so many beautiful minds in this group I tell ya.  I’m still studying how they come up with their concepts and seemingly effortless artworks. I try not to gape at their works during group exhibits.  If you want to know what I’m talking about, click here. This year, I’ll be taking part at an exhibit during the INK Fest at Fully Booked in BGC on the 24th of October. 🙂

INK Fest 2015
There will also be lots of activities such as art activity booths, live painting demos, creative talks, an mini-art exhibit, and selling of Inkie merch!

Don’t forget to check out INK on Facebook & Instagram for more updates! 🙂

Whew! For a supposed “quick blog post”, that was a mouthful.



P.S. And oh, the part that you’ve been waiting forrrrrrrr.  Again, thank you so much to all of you who enthusiastically joined.  Thanks too to those who already signed up for the workshops.  The winners of the workshop blog giveaway are:
1. Rhobz Villanueva
2. @FaithArtAndLetters

🙂 Congratulations guys!  I will be contacting you in a bit to confirm the workshop slot you wanted. 🙂  See you soon!

To those who want to join the workshops, you may sign up below:

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Shannelle C
8 years ago

I love the watercolor dancer above so much! Especially that wash in the background. <3

Daisy Lopez
Daisy Lopez
8 years ago

Is the entrance free for the Ink Fest? If not, how much?

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