Well, this is it! I can’t believe I’m actually writing a blog post about our son Riley. These days, I’m always thinking “He’s here! He’s finally here!” But, days before I gave birth, after ten months of waiting, the thought of having a son was still an idea. I said I have yet to believe it when it finally happens! 🙂
So I always thought moms were just all about posting photos of their babies on Instagram. I never really tried digging deeper but I would just tell my friends, “Oh, you know…moms are always with their babies so that’s all they could post. They’re always together.”
Well, I can’t say this is the reason why moms love baby spamming but after spending a week taking care of this little one, I realized that uploading photos is one of the respites that motherhood can have. Yep, things can go crazy at times: the unpredictable feeding pattern, panic for milk (or lack thereof), unexplainable crying in the wee hours of the morning, having to take care of a tiny human with a recovering post-partum body, an ugly case of water retention et cetera. Taking a photo is just one of them breathers in the middle of a busy day.
For example, when I took this photo, it was 3am and Riley was crying hysterically after n sleepless nights. I asked the hubby Ponggo to get some stuff for me from the drugstore. I didn’t know that when he cries, he actually reaches a point when he starts getting tired of crying and he shows this “chill face”.
The other day, with the help of my mom & my sister, the hubby and I finally found a comfortable schedule and we were surprised we had time to talk again as decent people–husband and wife with bathing privileges *OMG*. We were watching our little Rye making expressions. The sun was cooperating that day so we thought, “Hey! We can finally do that shoot we’ve always wanted!”
The force is strong with this (little) one.
Ponggo bought some Star Wars chopsticks years ago. I really thought he was going to use it to eat his ramen & instant noodles. Well, lo and behold, it’s our new toy for our new toy…err..photography subject…err…son.
I never actually thought that I could be this positive & happy even with limited sleep. (Thank you to my mom for making me rack up some extra hours today–hence being able to afford some time to type & upload this blog post at lightning speed).
Every single time new parents said that, I thought they were sugar-coating things. But it’s really true!
So many other thoughts are running through my head. I swear I was able to compose this blog post in my head the other night but everything’s just blurry now. I promise never to write a blog post in zombie mode ever again.
Oh right.
I’d like to thank all the moms who shared their birthing stories with me no matter how scary or detailed. These really prepared me for that big day. Thank you too for all the prayers, love & support.
“I’m watching you!”
Thanks too to all my teachers & classmates over at Plana Forma, I know I made you guys panic for working out until my 39th week. But really, thank you for taking care of my modifications so that all the exercises are safe for me & the baby. Anyway, fast forward to 1 week after giving birth, I must say that if your schedule allows it, you might want to try working out even before getting pregnant and if your body and doctor gives you a go, continue doing so during your pregnancy. 🙂 The benefits are great: extra mobility when your belly’s getting bigger, endurance during labor and it also helps with the recovery. 🙂 #ThisIsNotASponsoredPost Haha.
Thug Life: Don’t even think about messin’ with mahhh giraffe, yo!
Thank you too to the support of the hubby. I don’t know how I would have survived the past week without you. Wow, you’ve really stepped up as a dad. The hubby is such a polar bear and he never wants the aircon to be above 20 degrees. Now, he gives me the stare when it’s below 24 because he’s concerned about Riley’s temperature. If you’ve known him for a while, this is a BIG DEAL. He also loves singing Riley a lullaby: The Star Wars Imperial March in Yoda voice–it actually works. OMG. 😀
Jedi by Day, Sith by Night
Finally, thanks to our family members for your generosity in more ways than one! 🙂 I’m so touched I would cry from time to time. Haha. Riley is such a lucky kid to have all sides of the family excitedly waiting for his arrival!
Okay, that’s it! Good night! 🙂
Good morning! Party starts at 10pm with this little one.
Tipsy ♥
If you missed out on all the preggy diary posts, click here.
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Oh gosh I love this Tippy! From preggo diaries to Riley diaries! Hoorah! I will never get tired of posts like this. I really like babies and my friends/cousins who gave birth can attest to this thus my title as the dakilang tita/ninang. LOL. The Jedi photos are so so so cute! Riley’s cute in general so anything he does is going to be adorable anyway. Hihi. I say more baby spamming please. Oh and I’m pretty excited to see his first appearance in your comics. 🙂
Cute cute cute! Soooo cute baby. Really! As in I just love staring at that little chill face. Kinda makes me wanna chill too! So I really wouldn’t mind seeing more and more of his cuteness! And this is such a cute post mommy! I just love your energy and positivity! May God bless you and the hubby and the Riley always! 🙂
OMG! So cute!!
I remember when I gave birth to my third baby, she breastfed so I was ALWAYS with her. I even attended a blog event with her. Good thing it’s a mommy blogger event. I think I took lots of pictures of her being milk-drunk and of course her milestones like sitting up. Your baby spamming is definitely understandable. It helps keep the baby blues and loneliness at bay. 🙂