Waiting for a Reply on Twitter

Googly Gooeys Waiting for a Reply on Twitter (part 2) "She hasn't replied. Maybe she's not online." "Hmmm..Let me check. She IS online" "Maybe I was being tactless" "Maybe she doesn't want to be friends with

Waiting for a Reply (Part 2)

Waiting for a reply on Twitter may not be the most exciting thing at times.  The minutes in between conversations more often than not cause anxiety.  With the development of technology, it is now easier for people for people to communicate.  On the other hand, chatting, texting, conversations over social networking sites: these are all forms of suspended communication.  You’re either guessing the facing expression of the person you’re talking to or you’re coming up with multiple reasons why it took him or her longer than usual to reply.

Netizens, such is our fate.

More internet mishaps here 😉
Waiting for a Reply Text
All the Little Issues (Thanks or no thanks to those social networking sites).
All the Little Issues Part 2
All Zee Little Issues – Part 3
How Chat Conversations End
Five Signs That You’re Addicted to Twitter!
The Life of a Twitter Trend

P.S. Speaking of the need for face-to-face conversations, we’ll be at the Tweet Up Manila.  Hope to see you guys on the 30th of June, Ayala Tower 1 Fountain Area, Ayala Triangle, Makati (Philippines) 😀

Tipsy & Ponggo ❤

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