COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSgooglygooeys: Random Retro Day: Late for a Date! How many people do this to their friends/girlfrien ponggo / Oct 19, 2011
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSLate for a Date! How many people do this to their friends/girlfriends/boyfriends? ponggo / Apr 17, 2011
GOOGLY GOOEYSand the day starts with…(ahh..TGIF!…zzzz) update as of November 28: Hey Guys! This carto ponggo / Aug 13, 2010
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSThe Amazing Philippine Phenomenon: I’m just amused at how, here in the Philippines, those who live near their schools or offices tend to be more late more often. ponggo / Jun 8, 2010