COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSFact of the Day #66: It’s easier to wake up on weekends than on weekdays! ponggo / Jul 29, 2011
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSID Pictures: Exectations vs. Reality More Googly Gooeys’ E vs. R|Expectations vs. Reality Blog ponggo / Jul 14, 2011
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSPutting on Makeup: Expectations vs. Reality Expectations vs. Reality Comics | Submit your own ponggo / May 11, 2011
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSIt’s pretty much the same thing but… How would you complete the sentence? Click here for ponggo / Nov 6, 2010
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSFact of the Day #39: The word “required” takes out the fun in any activity. ponggo / Aug 2, 2010
COMICS, GOOGLY GOOEYSFact of the Day #67: It’s waaaaaaaay easier to wake up on weekends! ponggo / May 31, 2010